"Eating is a need. Enjoying is an art". Even in difficult times. So that you can continue to enjoy your meals at Casa Vento Madeira to the fullest, we have changed and adapted our catering concept in accordance with the Portuguese regulations - Covid 19 Safe Tourism. It is important to us that you feel comfortable and safe during your holiday at Casa Vento. For this reason, we explain here how we want to offer you an enjoyable and relaxing holiday with wholesome food.
Our Safe Tourism concept for catering
27. May 2020

01 General
Our main concern in the current situation is to minimize possible mutual contact between objects and people.
We therefore always ask you to wear a face and nose mask in situations in which the social distance of 2
meters cannot be maintained. Of course, this does not apply to the consumption of the food. The risk of
infection cannot be completely ruled out by this measure, but it can definitely be minimized.
Our guests and of course we as hosts wash our hands regularly. In addition,
disinfectant dispensers are available at various places that are considered common
areas - including at the entrance to the dining room.
When preparing all dishes, I, your hostess, always wear a protective face mask and
gloves, which I change regularly. I will also wear gloves during the service, for example
when serving the food or drinks. The kitchen is also equipped with disinfectant
dispensers for both hands and surfaces. This means that the surfaces are disinfected
after the appropriate work steps, just like my hands.
02 Catering with our Safe Tourism concept
Your breakfast

We have changed our breakfast menu at Casa Vento and now offer two options:
for guests of 2 people or more (one household) there is our well-known, rich breakfast
buffet. For people who travel individually, I will serve an individually composed
breakfast in the future.
The food from guests from different households is stored separately.

Our breakfast menu shows the four breakfast options: For example, if you want the classic Casa Vento breakfast, you will receive delicious delicacies such as rolls, coffee or tea, cheese and sausage, fresh vegetables, a hearty cream cheese spread, Jam, honey or a chocolate spread. I will also serve you a delicious muesli if you wish. Or do you prefer the Vital Breakfast? Then a selection of fresh fruit, healthy oatmeal and Greek yogurt await you. Here too, of course, the bread roll, the hearty cream cheese spread and the crunchy vegetables are a must. Let yourself be surprised by the changing delicacies with which I spoil all breakfast guests on their vacation.
Your Lunchpacket
You will also find a small selection list here to help you choose your packed lunch.
You can individually choose your side dish, the amount, your drink, your fruit and your
bar. You will find your prepared, labeled packed lunch the next day after breakfast in
a packed lunch box.
However, this packed lunch menu was available before the corona pandemic. In this way,
our guests can put together their own individual snack to go.
The aperitif hour
After the tour is before the meal! Even with Corona. During the aperitif hour you can relax on one of our sunny terraces with small snacks and a refreshing drink and look back on what you have experienced. Here you will find small plates prepared with snacks that you can simply take away and enjoy. Of course there are also cool refreshments.

Your dinner and dessert
I will serve you the meals at dinner, taking appropriate hygiene measures, each arranged on individual plates. If you want a second look, we are of course happy to provide it! You will also get your dessert from me personally on your plate. We will provide drinks in appropriate sizes so that they can be used per person.
Our guest fridge
In our guest refrigerator, we have numerous drinks ready for you, which you can read off our blackboard. You can always buy refreshments for an affordable price of 1 - 3 euros. Please let me know as soon as you have a request. I will serve you your drink and write it down on an appropriate list.
03 Eating together at Casa Vento
Dine on the terrace
Most of the time we eat our meals on our terrace. Two large tables, and more if necessary, allow us to place all guests in such a way that the necessary distance can be maintained for people from different households (here on Madeira the specified distance is 2 meters). The tables can be used by the same people throughout the week. The tables are cleaned and disinfected after and before each meal.

Dine in our dining room
For the few cool days, take your meals in Casa Vento. In three different rooms, which all have a separate entrance and can be closed by a door, there is space for four people at a table. If necessary, people can sit at one or more tables at a distance of 2 meters (not necessary for families and / or guests from one household). The rooms are continuously ventilated while the food is being consumed. Here, too, the tables are cleaned and disinfected after and before the meal, as are the chairs and the door handles. The dining rooms are always used by the same guests during the travel week.
04 Suspected case of Covid 19
Contingency plan
In the unlikely event that, despite our extensive measures, a suspected case of infection with the corona virus should arise, there is a corresponding emergency plan and the possibility of isolating the person concerned. You will receive this emergency plan and the corresponding material on site. In the event of acute symptoms, the following telephone number should be contacted: SRS - Madeira: 800 24 24 20.
Criteria for Infection
The following criteria established by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) apply to suspected infection with the corona virus:
Clinical indication | Epidemic indication | |
Infection of the respiratory tract with fever and / or cough | AND |
Travel to or from areas with active contagion in the 14 days
prior to travel / activity.
OR Contact with people with confirmed cases or suspected cases of illness with Covid 19 in the 14 days prior to the trip / activity. OR Healthcare worker in the Covid 19 area or staying in buildings in which Covid 19 patients are treated in the 14 days prior to the trip / activity. |